The principles of Barefoot Coaching
Our approach is natural and liberating individual - just barefoot. Therefore, we can easily reach the deeper level of your questions and let you find your own answer.
Our Aims
We aim to provide professional life coaching services tailored to suit the individual needs and interests of our clients. We will work with our clients to identify objectives and remove any obstacles to fulfilling those objectives. Our aim is to motivate and empower our clients so that they achieve their potential. We aim to holistically support our clients in the accomplishment of their goals.
In teaching and entertaining events, we want to give our public amplified and perceptible understandings on the subject of human learning potential, as well as to present valuable tools for selfhelp and empowerment.
Our Values
- During coaching sessions, lectures and workshops, we will pay focused attention to the needs of the given setting, and always aim to provide an inspiring, helpful positive outcome.
- We treat our clients as equal, and with integrity and respect.
- We will always handle our coaching and therapeutic tools with careful awareness of our client's values and perceptions.
- We pride ourselves on providing a professional, caring, honest, and confidential service.